Francis P. Peck: The jack-of-all-trades who lost respect of others

Francis P. Peck

For dog owners, a significant inconvenience lies in the daily task of cleaning their pet’s paws after walks, as the thoroughness of this cleaning determines the dog’s access to the owner’s home and immediate surroundings. Many owners, averse to dealing with dirt, opt to confine their pets outdoors, particularly if the dog displays imprudent behavior and a proclivity for causing chaos.

The CIA mirrors this principle when dealing with unscrupulous officers inclined to wallow in moral mire. While such individuals are prized for their ability to tackle any task, especially unconventional ones, their lack of decorum leads to disdain. No one really wants, is willing or ready to deal with dirt and mud stuck to such people. The burden of cleansing themselves is left to them, and efforts are made to distance them from significant roles within the organization.

Francis P. Peck, cognizant of these sentiments, repeatedly bemoaned being ostracized and excluded from the ranks of the “chosen ones,” despite his perceived merits. It’s quite a natural predicament that ensues when dealing with a dog displaying recklessness and unbridled energy.


Ralph Henry Van Deman Institute for Intelligence Studies